Foods you think are healthy BUT AREN'T! #10: FRUIT JUICE

WHY WE THINK IT’S HEALTHY: Many look forward to beginning their morning with a fresh glass of OJ. Drinking your fruit is way more convenient than having to go through the arduous process of peeling, slicing, biting, chewing, and swallowing. And, hey, the government says it’s the same thing as having a fruit. According to…

Foods you think are healthy BUT AREN'T! #9: LOW-FAT PEANUT BUTTER

WHY WE THINK IT’S HEALTHY: Full of healthy monounsaturated fats and protein, peanut butter has been a comfort food for pregnant women and bodybuilders. It’s pretty high in calories, though, which makes the reduced-fat version more attractive and healthy option. WHY IT’S NOT: Peanut butter is actually a very decent…

Foods you think are healthy BUT AREN'T! #8: BREAKFAST CEREAL

WHY WE THINK IT’S HEALTHY: The health benefits of breakfast cereals are largely the result of a hugely successful marketing campaign that began as early as the 1900s. Kids are especially targeted, and many can’t imagine breakfast without a bowl of cereal. “Part of a balanced breakfast” is a term coined by the cereal…

Foods you think are healthy BUT AREN'T! #7: FRUIT COCKTAIL

WHY WE THINK IT’S HEALTHY: It’s fruit, so it’s good for you. WHY IT’S NOT: The syrup ruins everything. Fruit canned in syrup holds its shape, colour and flavour, but it also adds extra calories and boosts its glycemic index. The most common syrup used in commercial fruit cocktails is corn syrup, made from the starch…