do calories count? part 1Do calories count? Yeah, but….

Calories are nothing but an approximation of potential energy until our metabolism gets involved.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The hormonal control of our metabolism involves thyroid function, cortisol, and a range of other hormones, tissues and organs. But the most important orchestrators are insulin and leptin. Insulin is responsible for storing energy in our fat cells, and leptin is responsible for maintaining them. Both insulin and leptin cannot be manipulated by counting calories. A diet rich in carbs will promote insulin’s fat storing capacity, and a low-calorie diet will send leptin on a mission to get you eating again.
INSULIN is responsible for transporting glucose, derived mostly from dietary carbs, from our blood to our cells. Our liver gets their fill of glucose first to replenish their glycogen stores; then muscles, and whatever’s left over is converted to triglycerides and stored in our fat cells. A diet that is too high in insulin-spiking carbs will therefore promote fat-hoarding. The storage capacity of our fat cells is genetically determined, and once those tanks are full, fat ends up in places where it shouldn’t be: liver, muscles, blood and in between organs. Worse, the constant barrage of insulin on our cells leads to insulin resistance: cells no longer respond to the messgae of insulin, ceasing to allow glucose into cells. This causes inflammation and drastically increases the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.
LEPTIN‘s purpose is to protect body fat stores to increase our chances or survival and in women, child-bearing. When we try to lose fat through sudden dieting and intense exercise, leptin drops and causes our metabolic rate to drop, hunger to increase and fatigue to set in, all in an attempt to conserve energy. Leptin is responsible for the dreaded rebound seen in yo-yo dieting. It’s behind that overwhelming desire to break your diet 3 days in, skip the gym, and sit on the couch with a pint of peanutbutter chocolate ice cream.
(Continued in part 2…)