Do calories count? Part 1
Do calories count? Yeah, but.... Calories are nothing but an approximation of potential energy until our metabolism gets involved.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The hormonal control of our metabolism involves thyroid function, cortisol, and a range of other hormones, tissues and organs. But the most important orchestrators are insulin and leptin.…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 45: SARDINES
WHY WE AVOID IT: They smell fishy and they come in a can. Chances are you turned your nose up at it and walked away. No way will you pop anything in your mouth that still has eyes. WHY WE SHOULD EAT IT: Bad move. Sardines are one of the most concentrated sources of DHA and EPA, both omega-3 fatty acids. That may not be…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 44: EGG YOLK
WHY WE AVOID IT: Eggs took the hardest hit when researchers blamed cholesterol as enemy of the state for heart disease. It’s true that egg yolks have the most cholesterol of any food, with about 212mg per yolk. More recently, a study from the University of Western Ontario claimed that egg yolks were almost as bad as…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 43: FERMENTED FISH
WHY WE AVOID IT: There’s a fine line between fermented fish and rotting fish: one is gaggingly putrid, and the other is retchingly foul. In Sweden, surströmming -- fermented herring -- is fermented in barrels for a few months, then put into cans for another year. Some airlines ban surströmming cans because they consider…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 42: COD LIVER OIL
WHY WE AVOID IT: A spoonful of this stuff results in the classic comical face of disgust. It stinks of fish, gives you bad breath, causes upset stomachs and might make you gag and vomit. No one wants medicine that’s worse than the cure. Besides, there’s so much vitamin A in cod-liver oil that there’s a concern of potential…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 41: TRIPE
WHY WE AVOID IT: Tripe is the stomach lining of sheep, goats, pig or deer. In the case of beef, it’s the first three portions of the cow’s stomach. The thought of eating another being’s stomach is enough to turn your stomach. WHY WE SHOULD EAT IT: Like other organ meats, tripe is…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 40: BEETS
WHY WE AVOID IT: It’s an acquired taste. Some think they taste like dirt and get annoyed that they turn all the other food on their plate red. President Barack Obama admitted that he always avoided eating them, which explains why Lady Michelle excluded them from the White House vegetable garden. Most children grimace at…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 39: COCONUT OIL
WHY WE AVOID IT: Coconut is one of the rare plant sources of saturated fat. Primarily found in animals, saturated fats were found to increase bad LDL cholesterol, the leading risk factor for heart disease. If you believed the doctors who told you to stay away from red meat and butter, then you probably stayed away from…
WHY WE AVOID IT: Catfish are ugly bottom-feeders that suck on pond muck. Many people consider them a “junk” fish. Many avid fishermen will admit that the best thing to do when you realize you’ve got a catfish on the line is to just cut the line. Besides, nuggets are the leftover flesh chunks after the beautiful filets have…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 37: CHOCOLATE
WHY WE AVOID IT: The elixir of the Mayans has had its fair share of controversies since science started looking at it. Accused of causing acne outbreaks, migraines, heartburn, insomnia, obesity and high cholesterol, chocolate is the love affair we are ashamed to indulge in. WHY WE SHOULD EAT IT: The modern chocolate bar…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 35: CARROTS
WHY WE AVOID IT: When the glycemic index (GI) made waves among scientists and health enthusiasts, carrots got a bad rap. The GI gives a measure of how quickly blood sugar and insulin levels rise after eating a certain type of food compared to glucose or white bread. High GI foods are associated with increased risk of…
Foods you avoid BUT SHOULDN'T. Part 33: BLOOD SAUSAGE
WHY WE AVOID IT: Blood is for vampires, not day walkers. Made with congealed pork blood, gelatin and spices, the black color of these sausages is disturbing to many. Besides, eating blood is banned in many religions. WHY WE SHOULD EAT IT: If you’re traveling to parts of Europe or Asia, there will be blood. The dish is a…